Everyone is encouraged to this fellowship opportunity, but successful applicants will be leaders representing a team of at least two people from their institution, with demonstrated institutional support through a letter of endorsement, and demonstrated cross institutional support through letters of interest.
Application Requirements:
1) Application that names a minimum of 2 leaders who would potentially lead a national center of excellence.
2) Institutional letter of interest/endorsement to establish a national collaborating center of excellence.
3) Current CV of the Lead Applicant.
Applications for this fellowship launch on September 26th 2024, and the deadline for submissions is October 26th 2024, with selection results being announced on November 11th 2024.
Please complete and submit the application form by October 26th 2024.
Financial Support:
15 successful teams will receive a stipend of $1000.00 USD, which can be paid out directly to your institution, be used to fund registration for the 2025 TUFH Annual Conference or the International Conference on Academic Medicine (ICAM) conferences, or institutional TUFH membership. Stipends will only be paid at the conclusion of the fellowship, provided that at least one representative of the team has attended all fellowship sessions and successfully completed deliverables related to the fellowship.
Fellowship Program and Timeline (All Sessions will be in English) All Sessions will be in English, however a simultaneous translation via Captions will be provided so those who speak another language using the Zoom AI technology.
December 2024: The Social Accountability Fellowship launch (welcome/overview of modules, expectations)
January - July 2025 (second Tuesday of each month at 14:00-16:00 UTC):
Fellowship Sessions:
Fellowship Expectations
Each team is expected to work on their action plan and deliverables between sessions. Upon completion of the fellowship each team is expected to present their action plan and results to an international and intersectoral audience and publish their deliverables in the Social Innovations Journal.
Please contact Ghislaine Attema, Social Accountability Coordinator, TUFH / NOSM University at GhislaineAttema@thenetworktufh.org